June 26, 2024

Category: Parenting tips

Can You Stay Home
Family, Lifestyle, Parenting tips

Can You Stay Home

One of the first things you have to figure out when you realize that you want to stay home with your kids is whether or not you can afford to do so. You are probably used to living on two incomes, so making the switch to a single income may not be easy. However, it […]

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Music And Your Child’s Development
Family, Lifestyle, Parenting tips

Music And Your Child’s Development

As the mother of a two year old, I am always looking for activities that encourage learning and development. I find that most of the activities we do together that result in learning are purely by coincidence and luck – not by any skill or training I have. As of late, my son has shown […]

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Need For After School Activities
Family, Lifestyle, Parenting tips

Need For After School Activities

When children are literally up to their gills with the learning and sport activities in school, it may seem superfluous to enroll them for after school activities. In spite of this, after school programs are sprouting up in large numbers and most of these are booked full. This shows that there is a real need […]

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